onboard Mignon about us

About us

Wallenius Marine offers a complete and sustainable shipping service – from innovative design and newbuilding to ship management. This is the short story about us.

Leading the way towards truly sustainable shipping

To move goods transport from road to sea is one of the key factors to lower air emissions into the atmosphere. Wallenius Marine goes one step further by designing ships powered by wind, using big data to be able to manage ships in the most efficient way and have a highly skilled crew that ensures quality at all times.

Our vision is to lead the way towards truly sustainable shipping. We have a long-term perspective and an integrated way of working where operational feedback is used to optimize the design and enhance performance, and those insights goes into next generation of vessels.

The company in short

  • Approx 800 employees.
  • Two ship management offices, placed in Stockholm and Singapore.
  • We have been a frontrunner in the global shipping industry since 1934.
  • Led the Ship design and New building projects of more than 70 vessels since the mid 90’s with a strong focus on sustainable shipping.
  • Certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015.
  • Family owned company and part of the Soya Group. Five core values tie the group together:
core values

We support

Soya Group supports several charity organizations, such as Medecins sans Frontieres, The Red Cross, Save The Children and Stockholm City Mission. In addition to those, Wallenius Marine also supports:

  • Swedish Sea Rescue Society (SSRS Sjöräddningen)
  • The youth programme connected to the sailing ship Shamrock
  • The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Naturskyddsföreningen)
  • Classroom buildings in the Philippines


Decades in business


Designed and built vessels


Co-workers worldwide

Leading the way towards truly sustainable shipping

Sustainable shipping

We are constantly aiming to reduce our footprints. Our complete service offering from design to recycling makes it possible to become sustainable in all aspects and in all stages of the lifecycle.

Management Group at Wallenius Marine