Watch the sea trial of Oceanbird model
The sun was shining over the eleven naval design students from KTH, when they put the Oceanbird model in water. This first sea trial would reveal the center of gravity as well as testing the speed.
The wPCC project (wind Powered Car Carrier) is behind the vessel concept Oceanbird. As one of the partners in the project, KTH have engaged young minds in designing vessels that will reduce emissions with 90%.

The eleven students that are following the course Naval Design, have made a seven meter model of Oceanbird . In May 2020, the students drove the model to Viggbyholm Boat Club, north of Stockholm. They did an inclination-test to get the center of gravity and also tested the motoring part and the rudders.
“Putting it in water the first time helps a lot afterwards. Now we know more precisely how the boat will behave and we can calculate how to make it stable”, says Ulysse Dhomé, Project Supervisor at KTH.

About KTH
KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm is one of Europe’s leading technical and engineering universities. The university is working with industry and society in the pursuit of sustainable solutions to some of humanity’s greatest challenges: climate change, future energy supply, urbanisation and quality of life for the rapidly-growing elderly population. Naval architecture is one of the oldest fields of research at KTH. Modern specialization within the field incorporates wind propulsion and maritime robotics.