Young minds gave wPCC a flying start
This summer, three naval architecture students from KTH got the task to explore alternative wing designs for wind-powered vessels. “A dream job” says Filip Wängelin, who will continue to work in the project during his master thesis.
Wallenius Marine collaborates with SSPA and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in the development phase of wPCC (wind-Powered Car-Carrier). During the summer of 2019, three students in Naval Architecture got a thrilling task. They would explore how the wings on a vessel should be designed to get the most energy out of wind. The wind-powered vessels should at the same time deal with critical safety issues such as being able to reduce sail area in adverse wind conditions.
“We are very impressed of the work that they have done with limited time and resources. The delivery from the group was ranging from more traditional wing sail concepts, to very creative solutions to some of the problems that we are struggling with in the research project” says Mikael Razola, project leader at Wallenius Marine.
Next step
One of the students didn’t stop after the summer. Filip Wängelin will continue to work on the wing design during his master thesis. He is investigating a few of the technical solutions in more depth. The challenge is to develop a solution that gives the wPCC performance, but at the same time being economically and technically feasible.
“I saw it as an opportunity to work with both the technology I am interested in, and sustainable development. To be a part of a project that revolutionizes the shipping industry is probably a dream job for anyone with a Naval architect education” says Filip Wängelin.

Fact: Developing wPCC
- The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) have invested 27 million Swedish crowns in the development phase of wPCC.
- Three year development project, during 2019-2021.
- Wallenius Marine is project coordinator. Partners are SSPA and KTH Royal Institute of Technology